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[Game ProgramProgramming Linux Games-08-07-2001.tar

Description: Linux游戏编程源码--The source code of Linux game
Platform: | Size: 3164160 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux嵌入式linux下面五子棋游戏代码

Description: 嵌入式linux下面五子棋游戏代码-Embedded Linux code below 331 game
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 蒋智斌 | Hits:

[Game ProgramLinux_diamond_game_sourcecode

Description: 一个在linux下用c基于fb语言编写的五子棋游戏,能方便移植到多种嵌入式设备中-using c fb language based on the 331 games, easy to transplant a variety of embedded devices
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: leelqrose | Hits:

[Other Riddle gameslinux_five_game_sourcecode

Description: 一个在linux下基于framebuffer,用c语言实现的扫雷游戏,能方便移植到多种嵌入式设备中-one based on the Linux framebuffer c language used in demining games, easy to transplant a variety of embedded devices
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: leelqrose | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesFMario

Description: 这是一个模仿任天堂经典游戏《超级玛丽》的克隆游戏。目前支持windows 和linux两种操作系统。-This is a parody of classic Nintendo game "Super Mario" Cloning of the game. The current support for Windows and Linux operating systems.
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: 河海 | Hits:

[Game ProgramquakeIII

Description: 3D 游戏界的大牛人 John Carmack 终于放出了 Q3 的源代码,。希望对有志于 3D game 的朋友带来更多帮助运行环境: Windows/Linux -a great cattle John Carmack Q3 finally released the source code. Hope for 3D interested in the game bring more friends to help the environment : Windows/Linux
Platform: | Size: 6817792 | Author: Nick | Hits:


Description: LINUX下游戏编程书籍,英文版,有兴趣的可以研读一下-LINUX game programming books, in English, are interested can read about
Platform: | Size: 3394560 | Author: 文心 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringProgramming-Linux-Games

Description: linux 环境下的游戏编程,很好的一本书,值得一看-linux environment of the game program, a good book, an eye-catcher
Platform: | Size: 1596416 | Author: 梁军学 | Hits:


Description: 用linuX 下的C语言 运用CURSES编写的俄罗斯方块游戏,很好,这个是本人原创,值得参考-linuX use the C language CURSES prepared by the Russian box game, well, this is the original, worthy of reference
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 李博 | Hits:


Description: 本人这两天在linux下用qt作的益智小游戏,在linux下解压缩后一般直接可以运行,如果运行有错,请重新按说明文件编译-I linux in the past two days, using qt small for the educational games, under Linux decompress directly after the general run, if the operation is wrong, please follow the instructions to re-compile documents
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: 汪洋 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamestriangle_game

Description: 三角形游戏的在linux 平台上 基于 gnu c/c++ 的实现,游戏规则:参见 http://imagiware.com/triangle/ 本程序能够递归的实现三角形游戏的解步骤(类似于九连环游戏)并有图像演示
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: hydro | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxvba

Description: 为摩托罗拉智能手机提供的gameboy advanced游戏机模拟器的全套代码,编译需要moto linux java platform sdk,moto官方网站有下载,通过它可以加载所有gb, gbc, gba游戏,支持屏幕缩放,旋转,画面达20帧以上,由本人从开源的vba移植所得.解压密码: www.ohyee.net-Motorola smartphone gameboy advanced game provided a complete set of simulator code, the compiler needs moto linux java platform sdk, moto have downloaded the official website, which can load all the gb, gbc, gba games, support screen scaling, rotating, Tatsu screen for more than 20, of which I am from the revenue derived from vba transplantation. unzip password: www.ohyee.net
Platform: | Size: 4551680 | Author: 罗治凡 | Hits:


Description: (ebook - pdf) Programming Linux Games.pdf 游戏编程经典书籍-(ebook- pdf) Programming Linux Games.pdf classic game programming books
Platform: | Size: 1606656 | Author: 李光清 | Hits:


Description: 这是我开发的LINUX系统下的robogame平台。运行后,可以用键盘控制球员操作球的运动。用到的技术主要有socket通讯,GTK图形界面,还有多线程技术等。-This is my LINUX system developed under the robogame platform. Running, players can use the keyboard to control operation of the ball movement. The main technology used socket communication, GTK graphical interface, as well as multi-threading technology.
Platform: | Size: 700416 | Author: 侯健 | Hits:


Description: 基于linux+gtk的一个俄罗斯方块游戏,支持网络功能,多人联机。-Based on linux+ Gtk a Tetris game, support network function, many people online.
Platform: | Size: 5483520 | Author: lilei | Hits:

[Other Riddle gameslinux-snack

Description: linux 贪吃蛇 GCC编译 在终端下进行游戏,不需要打开xwindow-Snake GCC compiler linux in a terminal under the games, without having to open XWindow
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: astron | Hits:


Description: linux下游戏开发指南,使用的是opengl,sdl,这种书不多,有兴趣的可以看看。附有书中源码-linux game development under the guidelines, using opengl, sdl, this book not more, interested can look at. Attached to the book source code
Platform: | Size: 4834304 | Author: linfei | Hits:


Description: linux下编的简单游戏,类似于是男人就撑过20秒-under linux simple game, similar to a man on the撑过20 seconds
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: 邵海东 | Hits:

[Other Gamesgame.tar

Description: Game developed in C to Linux Operational System... This game is very interesting to learn how we can develop our own games using C language.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: rafael | Hits:


Description: 絕版之 Programming Linux games 源碼, 對於想要了解 SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) 及 Linux 遊戲設計的人推薦. p.s. 此為修正 Bug 及對應較新的 Update 版本-The Programming Linux games out of print source, who want to understand the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) and the Linux game design people recommend. Ps This is the Bug and the corresponding amendments to the newer version of Update
Platform: | Size: 9079808 | Author: Chish | Hits:
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